Christians Jews Buddist Muslims Speak Against Hate Crimes


 Masjid Expansion Project


Masjid Muhammad, The Nation’s Mosque is produced out of the American experience!

Jumah Service is held at 1:00 PM on Friday.

Mark Your Calendars!  
80th Anniversary Black Tie Gala & NASIM Conference
April 21- 23rd 2017
Purchase Tickets Now!!

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News You Can Use

About Us

masjidsmallG-d willing, we will continue developing and building upon our seventy plus year history in the Nation’s Capitol, as contributors to the nation and the globe. We certainly, as G-d conscious people, are to promote the oneness of G-d and the excellence and commonality of the human family and have that serve as our foundation to produce a model, stable, productive, and balanced Islamic Community. Continue Reading

Resident Imam

imamtalibImam Talib Shareef, is a retired Chief Master Sergeant of the United States Air Force after 30 years, and holds a Masters of Business Administration from American Intercontinental University, a Diploma from the Imam Muhammad ibn Saud Islamic University. Imam Shareef is a student of the late Imam W.D. Mohammed, Muslim-American Spokesman for Humanity.  Continue Reading

The Late, Imam WD Mohammed

imammuhammedHe called himself Muslim American Spokesman for Human Salvation and encouraged the common people and leaders of all religious traditions to return to the purity of their faith.  Others called him “America’s Imam”; leader of the Muslim American Experience.  He defined it, gave direction to it and devoted his life to it.  Continue Reading

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