A Community In Action

Masjid Muhammad or Washington Masjid, also called, “The Nation’s Masjid (Mosque)” is the place of worship for several thousand Muslims in the Washington, D.C. area.

Health Fair

Church & Community Health Fair

Saturday September 28th, 10 am – 2 pm

Mt. Sinai Baptist Church
Lower Auditorium
1615 3rd St NW 20001

Muslims Marketplace

Market your business, event, and more for FREE! (limited time only)

Call: 888-373-9295
Email: info@muslims-marketplace.com


Masjid Jumah Location during Construction


The Nation’s Masjid

Masjid Muhammad or Washington Masjid, also called, “The Nation’s Masjid (Mosque)” is the place of worship for several thousand Muslims in the Washington, D.C. area. Every Friday, near midday when the traditional “Adhan” (call to prayer) is heard there, hundreds gather to offer praise and thanks to Allah (G-d) and listen to the Imam deliver a meaningful, inspiring khutbah (sermon). This is the Juma’h service, the Muslim’s congregational worship, as commanded by Allah in the Holy Quran and as has been practiced in the world for more than 1400 years.

Capital Campaign

Masjid Muhammad “The Nation’s Mosque” has embarked on the final leg of our building expansion, Capital Campaign.



Recent Community News

Masjid Fundraiser

Masjid Fundraiser

Masjid Fundraiser - Save the Date! The recently established Capital Campaign Commission for Masjid Muhammad is in the process of finalizing plans for a major fundraising event on Saturday, January 20, 2023. The theme of this event is “Silence is not an Option” and it...

Virtual Voter Registration Launch

Virtual Voter Registration Launch

January 15th King Holiday Faiths United to Save DemocracyCall to Action Voter Registration Launch We are in a dangerous time for our democracy. We need you to plan to participate and help get the word out about the launch and the powerful January 15th messengers...


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