Congratulations Imam Talib Shareef
We applaud the Rumi Forum on its 2024 Annual Gala and Dialogue Award Ceremony, marking the 25th anniversary of the Forum's dedicated work to foster peace, religious pluralism, and social harmony. This milestone event celebrated Rumi Forum's legacy of interfaith...
Election Results: Moving Forward
With Allah’s Name, The Merciful Benefactor, The Merciful Redeemer. We Give all praise to Almighty G’d, Allah, Who reveals in our Holy Book, “Blessed be He in Whose power is the control over the universe and to Him belongs the whole creation and the rule over the...
Imam W. Deen Mohammed II in the Muslim 500
Alhamdulillah! We extend our best regards and congratulations to Imam Warithudeen Mohammed Il on being recognized among The Muslim 500, “THE WORLD'S 500 MOST INFLUENTIAL MUSLIMS 2025”. Warithudeen Mohammed II is the eldest son of Imam W. Deen Mohammed, the leader of...