Contact: Imam Talib M. Shareef
Phone No. 478-320-2948
Email: imam@thenationsmosque.org
The Israeli – Palestinian Crisis
A Statement from the International Coalition for Peace and Reconciliation
We are saddened by the most recent conflict between Israel and Hamas, a conflict that refocuses the world’s attention on long, unresolved flashpoints. The wanton gunning down and hostage taking of non-combatants by Hamas militants is not acceptable in Al-Islam.
No matter who we are, no matter where we live on this earth, no matter what our religious affiliation, no matter how much our hearts are paining because of suffering, or unresolved grievances, there is no justification for us to make innocent men, women, and children the targets of terror and violence.
Islam teaches us that Prophet Muhammed (saws) is the most excellent model of human behavior and decency. Ultimately, he is the leader of Palestinian Muslims and all Muslims in the world. If only for a moment Hamas militants were to ask themselves, “Would Prophet Muhammed (saws) slaughter innocent men, women, children, and the elderly just to get to the enemy or to bring attention to his cause? Would he do that? No, he wouldn’t?”
As Muslims, the teachings of our religion do not permit us to engage in disgraceful warfare tactics, regardless of our pain. We are to conduct ourselves according to what Al-Islam dictates. We cannot abandon the excellence of our Islamic character, even as a warrior meeting the challenges of an unscrupulous enemy. Al-Islam inspires Muslims toward the most excellent human character and behavior. Allah does not allow us to come out of our character because of our hatred of another people. Even while facing the ravages of war, we are to adhere to the demands on us for genuine respect for human life, particularly the life of non-combatants. They should NEVER be the target of our violence – NEVER. Therefore, we condemn the strategy of targeting non-combatants, no matter who they are. We reject such strategies. What matters the most, is that we obey Allah and His messenger, Muhammed the Prophet (saws). Allah prefers that we be with the peacemakers, not with or to appease the warmongers.
We pray for all of the families who have been affected by these terrorist actions that are beyond the realms of healthy human sensitivity. We are praying for the souls that have been murdered. We are praying for the victims who have been injured. We are praying for a lasting peace between Israel and Palestine. And we are praying that the expected retaliatory actions of the Israeli military be tempered with respect for the lives and well-being of Palestinian non-combatants.
We stand together with all the oppressed people in the world – Muslims, Jews, Christians – no matter who they are. We feel their pain. Their hurt is our hurt. Palestinians have suffered, and their scars run deeply. The very least that the nations of the world should do – along with all right-minded people, Jews, Christians, Muslims, and others is to pray for the peace and prosperity of Israel and Palestine and work to help bring about a just, honorable existence for the Palestinian people, and for all of our brothers and sisters in the family of mankind. Ameen!