Health Literacy and Computer Literacy Workshop Saturday September 20, 2014, 1:30PM to 3:30PM.

This is related to and a continuation of the Health committee’s facilitation of the” Family Living Healthy Lifestyles” workshop. All are welcome to attend whether you are new to computers or experienced.

The workshop is focused on defining general health literacy, functional health literacy, and where to fine accurate, current health information on the Internet and how to use a computer in the process.

Please Note: This first class September 20, 2014, 1:30pm to 3:30pm is an introduction to basic computer usage and will address those who are new to computers. There is no cost. The next session will focus on Health Literacy. Date and time to be determined. The fee will be $10.00.

We are encouraging our Seniors to attend. Ali Muhammad, instructor has access to and will bring 15 laptops and he has access to additional 10 ipads. Sign up at the Masjid business Office. Contact Saisa Neel for additional information