
As Salaam Alaikum, Masjid Muhammad is planning a wonderful Eid ul-Adha celebration, so please join in the activities.  The prayer will be held on Thursday September 24, 2015 at 10am, the feast being held on Saturday September 26, 2015 starting at 11am, both events will be held at Masjid Muhammad. The Masjid has plans to participate in a slaughter after the prayer on Thursday, details will be shared later.
We are asking believers to bring a dish for a community potluck meal on Thursday and also board games. We are accepting donations for toys and children’s activities, for the purchasing and slaughtering of lambs and to offset expenses.
Vending will be offered Thursday after the prayer, Friday after Jumah, and Saturday at the community Festival all for $75. For vending on Saturday only it will be $50. Please contact Talib Muhammad at 571-266-6815 for more information.Please keep in mind that the Pope will be in Washington, DC on Thursday and this will result in traffic delays greater than usual, plan accordingly.