Imam Shareef with  Rabbi Steinlauf and Dr. Stephanie Myers.

Imam Shareef with Rabbi Steinlauf and Dr. Stephanie Myers.

Imam Talib Shareef represented Masjid Muhammad at the Black Women for Positive Change (BW4PC) recent press conference on Monday, June 16, 2014. The purpose of the press conference was to express outrage at the continued shootings and announce the BW4PC National Week of Non-Violence and National Summit in Washington, DC. On August 23, 2014. Speakers at the press conference included Dr. Stephanie Myers, BW4PC Nat. Co-Chair; Rev. Dr. Barbara Reynolds, BW4PC Chaplain; Good Brother Mayor William Euille, of Alexandria, VA; Charter Member Rabbi Batya Steinlauf; Good Brother Leutrell Osbourne, US Attorney’s Office and Good Brother Rev. Ronald Braxton, Presiding Elder, AME Church, Washington Region (t).